Friday 30 September 2011

Multiple Streams of Internet Income Book Review

Multiple Streams of Internet Income by Robert G. Allen is a book about the fundamentals of making money online. It combines both wealth training (at the beginning of the book) with internet strategies to teach anyone how they can make significant amounts of money online.

This was the third book of Robert G. Allen's that I have read and let me just say that it does not disappoint. The tips you find within this book are second to none and many I have not read anywhere on the internet. It gives you a fresh look at making money online which goes beyond the 'blog-o-sphere' and steps into a world where it is simple to become a millionaire online. All you need is 10,000 names.

Chapter 1 - Show Me The E-Money

Robert G. Allen is famous for the challenges he sets himself. This was one of his biggest challenges yet. To earn $24,000 online in just 24 hours. In this chapter he shares his story on how he set this challenge for himself and achieved it.

Chapter 2 - Crossing The Digital Divide

If you're not savvy on internet marketing (let's face it not many of us are) then in this chapter Robert shows you how you can fast track your success with little or no experience at all by utilizing other people's email lists. He shows you how he himself used a list to make around $100,000 in 24 hours.

Chapter 3 - Internet Marketing 101: A Few Simple Strategies Can Make You Rich

In this chapter Robert talks about the marketing basics that everyone needs to know if they want to be successful as an online marketer. Great chapter full of huge insights that can turn your product into cash.

Chapter 4 - Internet Marketing 201: 12 Powerful Principles for Creating a Feeding Frenzy

In this chapter Robert shows us how to get people to beg for our products, how to get people to buy and buy again and how to get people to tell their friends about their products.

Chapter 5 - Internet Marketing 301: Going Deep - The Secret to Online Streams of Income

Big advertising companies run a mile wide and an inch deep to make a lot of money. Here Robert teaches you to go an inch wide and a mile deep by focusing on niches to make money

Chapter 6 - Netpreneurs, Start Your Search Engines!

Search engines are what will drive most of your traffic. Here Robert talks about the importance of search engines and how we can use them to make money

Chapter 7 - Online Mar-Ka-Ching!

Your web page is the portal through which you will attract multiple stream of income into your life. Here Robert explains the six major ways to make money from your website (which he goes into more detail on later)

Chapter 8 - Beyond Stickiness

Big companies and websites focus on stickiness. When starting out you have to focus on quickiness if you want to make any money fast. Here Robert shows you how to quickly convert visitors into lead and then customers.

Chapter 9 - Ready. Set. Launch: How fast can you go from zero to cash?

If you started from ground zero how soon could you start making money? This chapter gives you details on how to start making money quickly from scratch.

Chapter 10 - Online Stream #1. Joint Ventures

Teaming up with others you can achieve greater success than going it alone. This chapter shows you how to join up with others to create a win win situation.

Chapter 11 - Online Stream #2. Affiliate Programs

You can make a lot of money by selling other people's products. You don't even need anything to start with, just some guts. This chapter shares the ins and outs of affiliate marketing

Chapter 12 - Online Stream #3. Selling Information

You can create your own information and sell it to make some easy money. This chapter shows you how to effectively make a stream of income from affiliate marketing.

Chapter 13 - Online Stream #4. Eyeballs for Sale

Advertising is how most companies make their money. When you start out you may not make a lot through advertising but you can make a little bit (and more once you become more successful). This chapter shares with you how.

Chapter 14 - Online Stream #5. Picks and Shovels

There is a lot of money to be made from the real estate of the internet. Things such as domains and hosting you can make money from. This chapter explains this in more detail.

Chapter 15 - Online Stream #6. Treasure Hunting

This chapter talks about online auctions (such as eBay) and how to make money from them. It even talks about starting your own auction website.

Chapter 16 - Automatic Pilot: Making Money 24/7/365

The best thing about making money online is you can make money while you sleep.

Overall Review

This book as a must have for all internet marketers. It has the easiest ways to make money online and explains them in an easy to read format. I would recommend this book to anyone trying to find their wealth online. The miss reading this book would be similar to missing $1,000,000 if someone offered it to you on a silver joke this book is awesome.

You live in a time where getting rich has never been easier. We live in the information age and the ability for anyone to join the ranks of the rich and mega rich has gotten easier and easier. You just need to know how you can become rich.

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