Friday 30 September 2011

What Do I Do Now That I Have All These Keywords?

Life After keyword research?

You Just spent countless hours researching the best keywords for your niche and you are at a stopping point because, you've probably come to this question...

Now what? - What do I do now that I have all these keywords?

Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news folks but it's kind of simple.

( actually I might be little sadistic, because I kinda do like telling you this )

You're Going to Have to Get a Bit Dirty and Do Some Real Work On Your Website.

- With these precious new keywords -

You will base all of your website's writings (content ) on.

You will be sure to use proper on-page search engine optimization.- This means using your keywords and related keywords enough times so that the density (how many times the keyword is used ) is high enough. -by the way I usually look for between 3% and 5% keyword density.

You will make sure the web site and the keywords are thematically correct. I'm pretty sure you're not going to be offering swimming pool services, and pony rides on the same website so this shouldn't be a problem at this stage in the game.)

You will simply start out by writing an article for your website or a product description using your best chosen keywords.

Keep in mind- The thought of "The person visiting your page" - Why are they there? - What information they are trying to find?

If you haven't already begun the process of selecting the best keywords for your niche, my best advice is to get familiar with Google's Keyword tool.

Special NOTE: to Procrastinators, and Professional Time Wasters:

Too many people, including myself sometimes get caught up in keyword research. The hours will slip away from you.

Try to keep this in mind: Keyword research is just about taking a few keyword phrases that have enough traffic, and aren't too difficult for your website to show up for in searches.

It's a lot simpler than most make it out to be. Dont let it Stop you from making a great SITE.

Lastly, Hope and Confidence are two different things..... You hope it works.... but you're not sure.... So you don't act.. Well, inaction is an action.. Just not the one you want...

So Lets change that..... Start writing today (using those keywords)

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