Friday 30 September 2011

Review of "AdSense Secrets 4" by Joel Comm

This book has the subtitle "What Google Never Told You About Making Money With AdSense", and when I first heard about this book (version 2 at that moment), I was making so little with AdSense that I did not think I could use an e-book to $97. This decision cost me about $1,200.

What I learned from that book was so essential to my income that I went from $1 per week to $5 per day, just like that. Back then, this made a big difference for me.

In his "AdSense Secrets" books, Joel Comm tells you everything you need to know about putting AdSense on your site in the right way. Google was originally showing you ads with borders, especially ads in the good old 468x60 format, and those were the absolute worst ads you could put up on your site.

So Joel Comm explains how to blend in the ads with your site design, which formats are the better performing, what colors to use for your ad titles and URL's. In short -- everything you need to know to get the best result.

In "AdSense Secrets 4", I especially noticed a handy way to make a split test with your Google ads. This made a great difference for my profits, and although one specific split test gave equally good results with both changes, I found that my ads performed better in total than without the split test, so I kept it running.

Everything in the e-book is explained in a plain and understandable language. You are never left confused about to do things the right way.

When I purchased my first version of "AdSense Secrets" the price was $97, and the e-book was well worth that price. Since then, the price went down to $10 and now it is free, if you also try out Joel Comm's newsletters. Whether it will stay free or not, I cannot tell you.

Whether you are a total beginner with AdSense, or you have made money with it already, I truly recommend that you get "AdSense Secrets 4" by Joel Comm. It can make all the difference for your experience with Google AdSense.

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