Friday 30 September 2011

Review of Ann Sieg's E-Book "The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing" - A Must Read

Just The Facts

Let me start off by saying that for someone to come out and go completely against what everyone in the MLM industry has been taught really takes an enormous amount of courage. I would like to follow that statement by saying that if that person who steps up and ends up being right could really stir up some thoughts in all of our heads. This e-book does exactly that, it really got me to thinking on everything that I was taught about the MLM industry, and of course how I could unplug myself from the same old systematic process that I followed.

In this e-book it covers incredible topics, and I will list all 7.

* Lie #1 - Everyone is your prospect!
* Lie #2 - This really isn't sales. We just share products with people.
* Lie #3 - Anyone can do this!
* Lie #4 - We'll build your business for you.
* Lie #5 - We have the best product ever!
* Lie #6 - You just don't have enough belief!
* Lie #7 - The proven system.

Now I wont go into each and everyone of the chapters because you can do that yourself by downloading the read to your e-mail by visiting my blog, the links are provided below. This e-book really will go in depth with all of the topics, and then the best part is it will show you that there is a solution out there that is quite simple, inexpensive, and incredibly tangible. It is definitely going to require for you to open your mind and think outside the norm, but then again if we didn't do that we would never learn anything new right?
Any Business

Truth be told any business owner would benefit greatly from reading this e-book. It is not just only about one particular industry. Marketing is a really broad subject to learn about and each and every time you learn something knew you can co-mingle it with something that you already know to produce better results for your business.

This e-book specifically mentions phrases that are used to "hype" the sales team up so that they could go and "hype" sell the masses. For the record, if you ever want something to bite you back just go ahead and hype sell. It explains why hype selling is one of the worst forms of selling. This can affect the structure of your business as a whole, because if the agents/reps are being hyped up it will surely pass on to your clients.

Action Is Required

I am sure that there are lots of e-books and wonderful reading materials out there but its not just about reading. Action, which happens to be the last item that people actually act upon is the name of the game. You can read this and millions of other pieces of literature but until you apply what you have read to your business then nothing is going to change. Now I am sure you are wondering if the marketing system that this material talks about comes at a price, well here is the good news, it does. Why in the heck is that good news? Well clearly its so good that whoever takes credit for coming up with it believes that their time, effort, and end results should have a price tag on them. Could we blame them? Would you put a price on something that produced incredible results? I thought so.

By applying what you have read here into your business marketing strategy you will significantly increase the number of prospects that you attain. You'll find that your credibility with your prospects that are seeking for your service will drastically increase. You will have an easier time recruiting individuals that are seeking for opportunities into your business.

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