Friday 30 September 2011

When Should You Bring Up Your Opportunity For Your Online Business?

For all you marketers out there, do you ever wonder when its appropriate to bring up your opportunity for your online business? This is a very valid question.

We all know that if you bring it up at the wrong time you will drive them away, right?

We also know that if you're just telling them about your opportunity and not giving any real value that you are definitely driving them away.

So when is the very best time to tell your prospect about your opportunity so you can increase conversions?

Best Time To Bring Up Your Opportunity

The best time to bring up your opportunity is:

  • After they opt-in
  • In your emails
  • In your thank you page
  • In your teleseminars
  • In your webinars

In other words, bring up your opportunity every time they are getting something from you, in a nut shell. You've got their attention because of the value you're giving. Otherwise they wouldn't have opted in, or given you their email, or attended your teleseminar or webinar.

Also notice, they are all different avenues. Multiple streams of traffic creates a stable business & top of mind awareness in your prospect.

So, you were giving them value first. Then after giving them what they came for, time to express your opportunity.

Introducing your opportunity every chance you get (after giving value) is going to increase your conversions, timing is everything! If your followers are constantly getting great content from you, in time don't you think they are going to be very attracted to you and everything you have to offer?

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