Friday 30 September 2011

Review of the Super Affiliate Handbook

After spending hours researching the best way to make money online, I finally settled on affiliate marketing. There are dozens of "how to" guides and websites online. I have read at least a dozen of them and purchased several programs. All of them have similar information and I have picked out valuable "nuggets" from each.

However, Rosalind Gardner's Super Affiliate Handbook is by far the best, most comprehensive guide I have read. The Handbook takes you from start to finish and discusses a variety of ways to earn money online. Detailed instructions and many helpful tips are offered. Rosalind is the ONLY one out there that I have seen who gives specific examples of how she earns her money online. She shows you her own websites and offers her own niche markets as examples. She uses her own specific experiences to illustrate the do's and don'ts of affiliate marketing.

In this Handbook, there are over 90 specific pictures or figures that are provided to give you exact examples of what a webpage, website, spreadsheet or letter should look like. There is also technical information provided such as how to set up a website or blog, inserting specific text links or html code and information about web hosting. This provides extremely detailed and easy-to-follow instructions which alone are well worth the $47 price of this ebook.

Super Affiliate Handbook also offers basic business tips as to how to manage your business by staying organized and keeping track of your products. It even has sample spreadsheets for you to copy and use. In building my online affiliate business, I find myself referring to The Handbook over and over. I have even copy and pasted specific sections into separate documents so I can easily access that information.

The Super Affiliate Handbook runs a whopping 200+ pages and is fairly up to date. There is a detailed and clear Table of Contents to assist you in navigating through the Handbook. Some of the other programs and guides I have reviewed or purchased are hopelessly outdated. Many of their suggested links are no longer active. While there were one or two of Rosalind's links which did not work, the vast majority of them were current. The last update of the Super Affiliate Handbook was in October, 2009.

This leads me to the only complaint I have about the Super Affiliate Handbook - it contains TOO much information. It covers pretty much everything there is to know about all of the ways to earn money online. For someone like me who is just starting, it was pretty overwhelming. However, after I read through it completely one time, I went back and began focusing on the information that I needed to get started. The upside of all of this information is that anyone can benefit from the Handbook - even experienced online marketers can pick up some tips and tricks from Rosalind Gardner's book.

There is no doubt in my mind that the Super Affiliate Handbook can be your one stop resource for all things related to online marketing. This is a must-have guide for anyone beginning affiliate marketing. It will also appeal to affiliate marketers of all levels as Rosalind Gardner giving away many of her secrets in this Handbook for a fairly low price. I even read one review that complained she was giving away too much valuable knowledge far too cheaply. I have to tell you - that is fine by me!

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