Friday 30 September 2011

Why Use A Pseudonym?

Pseudonyms, commonly known as pen names, are names authors use rather than their own name.

Pseudonyms are also used in other creative professions. For example, actors and actresses call them stage names. Marion Morrison was known as John Wayne; Norma Jeane Mortenson (Baker) was known as Marilyn Monroe.

For many centuries authors have written under different names:
George Orwell's real name was Eric Arthur Blair.
George Eliot's real name was Mary Ann Evans.
Lewis Carroll's real name was Charles Dodgson.
Ayn Rand's real name was Alisa Rosenbaum.

In what ways can pen names be used?
1.) Conceal Gender: Concealing gender was especially important for women during the eighteenth century. Women writers used male names to gain credibility.

2.) Writing in Multiple Genres: Authors use different names for a different genre and their real name for another. Charles Dodgson wrote math textbooks under his real name and Alice in Wonderland as Lewis Carroll.

3.) To Recover From a Mishap or Poor Reputation: If an author has attracted poor publicity under his real name, he may change to a pen name to establish credibility.

4.) To Produce A Series: Series such as the Nancy Drew books were written by multiple authors all using one name, Carolyn Keene, to publish the series.

In what ways can pen names not be used?
1.) Some writers have used pen names, so they can attack their enemies. They incorrectly believed they could avoid being sued for libel or slander.

2.) Exploiting another author's already respected name. Writers have tried to jumpstart their careers by using a name similar to, or the same as, a well-known published author.

3.) Tax time: If you think that you can lower your taxable income because it was not earned under your real name, then that is tax fraud.

Most people decide on their own pen names. However, it is a good idea to do an Internet search to see if the name belongs to a real person. It could belong to another author or a blogger in the same niche market. You may not want to be confused with that person.

Some governments require people to register their pseudonyms if they are to be used for business purposes. This is not often the case, but you can check it out for yourself.

Copyright laws allow you to register copyrights under a pseudonym with or without disclosing your real name. Copyrights usually last a life time plus a predetermined number of years. The copyright law does vary depending on whether it is a real name or a pen name.

In summary pen names add an air of mystery and excitement; you can write about something totally different from your familiar topics. There is a freedom, like dressing up in a clown costume and dancing a silly jig. Nobody knows who is in the costume!

Let that inner child out. Have fun writing under different names!

Learning about when to use pseudonyms is part of the training at Small Biz Incubator.

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