Friday 30 September 2011

"Secret Formula to Insanely Powerful Copywriting" - A Review

Copywriting is the art of writing sales and marketing related materials, and is used in all facets of business, especially in generating a good sales pitch.

A good sales pitch is a well-planned presentation of a product or service designed to entice your prospects into "closing the deal", that is, to purchase your product or service. And so, you know how critical it is to develop a good sales pitch, especially if you plan to run a business or if you are already operating one. This can, of course, be applied both to offline and online businesses.

For our example, let us presume that you operate an online business on the internet. You got tons of traffic going through your website, however, sales of your flagship product have been very lackluster. You know that you have a great product, and are very passionate about it. So what is wrong? Why are the sales figures not where you want them to be? Yes, you guessed it... most likely because of a poorly written sales pitch. In our example, it is the poorly written web copy on your site that failed to convince the prospects about how good your flagship product is, and how it can benefit them.

"Secret Formula To Insanely Powerful Copywriting" will provide you with the tips and techniques to design and develop an effective copy that converts sales. The book lacks diagrams or snazzy graphics, however, it compensates this lack with powerful, valuable content. It is an A to Z, soup to nuts type of book about constructing a effective sales (web) copy, and so a newbie or an online marketer having issues with lackluster sales can benefit tremendously from the information provided. It cleverly repeats the tips and techniques throughout the book, and assists you with absorbing and retaining the key points and information more effectively.

Having a good sales pitch is critical for your online business. When your prospects visit your website, there is only one chance and one way of convincing them that your flagship product is a great product, and that they will benefit from the purchase. And yes, it is through your sales pitch. The book, "Secret Formula To Insanely Powerful Copywriting" will equip you with the tools for effective copywriting so that you can design and develop that great copy that will help propel your sales and income figures for your online business.

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