Friday 30 September 2011

My Business Isn't Interesting Enough to Write About!

Many people I speak to use the excuse that their business isn't interesting enough to produce an article, blog or newsletter about. My reaction and answer is always the same, I smile and ask them what it is they like about doing what they are doing. I then sit back and listen as they talk and talk.

The simple fact is that most people can talk about their business but are bewildered and maybe a little scared when ask to write about it. Lets face it, if you're not enjoying your business and can't think of a word to say about it you really should consider changing what you're doing.

The thing is that when you write about your business you are not selling, you do that on your sales page. What you are doing is showing people that you know your business, you are good at it, you are an expert in your field and that you are enthusiastic about what you do. This will encourage them to check your business out more closely and of course they head off to your website and your sales page.

Writing articles, blogs and newsletters need not concentrate on you and your product but more on your enthusiasm and knowledge of your particular market place. This obviously widens the subjects you can write about so lets look at a couple of examples.

Events - not only your own but exhibitions, trade fairs, seminars, conferences,fund raising, celebrations and product/service launches, not only locally but regionally, nationally and globally.

Books, products, services, events - basically anything associated with your market place that will be of interest to existing and potential clients.

History of:
Your market place through the ages including; equipment and tools, people, methods, styles, events and odd facts - basically anything associated to your business.

By thinking out-the-box and a little research you can become an expert with a wealth of information that in time will have people coming to you as a trusted and knowledgeable business person that they want to buy from time and time again. Of course if this all seems a bit too much for you to handle you can get someone to do it for you and funnily enough I know a man who can!

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