Friday 30 September 2011

My Gripe About Webinars and Teleseminars

Okay, so I'm an information junkie and love the internet for the sharing of information. As a lifelong learner, it's my personal library where I can learn about topic A and 10 minutes later, I can move on to topic B without missing a beat. Instead of waiting for the teacher to move on, I can move on myself and this is the secret to me keeping that love of learning alive.

Naturally, I like the idea of Teleseminars and Webinars. Experts and professionals can teach their content at a designated time in a group setting where participants can ask questions about the teaching. This benefits all of the participants, since questions will arise that some didn't think of, thus benefiting from that "group think" atmosphere.

So, what's my gripe? What are my undies all in an uproar about? The presentation.

I've been listening to and watching these things for years and they are all the same. In a typical teleseminar or webinar that lasts about 60-70 minutes, you've got 10 minutes of welcoming us to the thing, 10 minutes of their introductions and history, 10 minutes of playing on my emotions to get me jazzed about the problem they present which lays the pavement for their 10 minutes of solution. Then we've got 10 minutes of testimonials from people who have bought, used and seen good results with whatever they are selling and 10-15 minutes of final pitch.

Can we please change this model?

I don't have time to sit through a video that offers me no operational controls. Yeah, the videos now are frequently without the ability to scroll ahead or be saved so I can listen at a future date, so I'm forced to sit through it. Are people really that arrogant that they can take our time in this way?

If I could talk to all of those people making videos like this, I would say that this is a consumer driven world! Heck, Alex Mandossian taught us this way back when and yet, there are still those of you who demand our complete attention for an hour or so when your REAL content would only take up 15 minutes so why do you insist we stop our life for an hour? Internet marketers and teachers alike tell us that when we work online, it only takes a short amount of time, that it lends itself to less of a time investment which is why it's so attractive, yet your presentations take forever! You're certainly not practicing what you preach.

Even though I'm seeing videos that are down to 40 minutes, I still have to wait until half way through and go through all of that BORING FLUFF to get to the bottom line offering. What WORSE is that I have to sit even longer to find out the price!

And what is up with all of these bonuses? They are INSANE. How can bonuses be worth more than the original offering? Come on! With information products, the pricing really only reflects the author's perception and choice of a price point and not necessarily the actual value. Why would someone offer me a $97 product but then give away bonus products along with it that total up to a "claimed" value $1,000? Be serious.

I know that people think one's story is of significance to the rest of us. Well, here's a news shot. To many, it's NOT! I don't care about the woes and hardships of the developer or the whys and wherefores of how it all came about. I first want to know what it is, if it will work for me, how easy it is to implement, how much it costs and how soon I can get it working for me. That's it! Once I have it working for me, then I'll be interested in how it all came about- maybe.

If you MUST cater to those who have all the time in the world to hear your self-serving fluff and sob story, then fine. Keep your presentations as they are. BUT - please make a second, more concise version for those of us who are savvy enough to just want the bottom line. We get the desire for you to play on our emotion, but we don't need to be coerced. We'll buy if we like what we see and it can work for us and we'll know this immediately. You won't need to hand us the tissue box.

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