Friday 30 September 2011

How to Use Keywords to Promote Your Business

The keywords used to promote your business in the search engines is basically the Internet version of 'the Big Yellow Book.' Think about looking for telephone numbers in the yellow pages. When you are looking for keywords for a specific service, you will focus on what type of service it is, where it is located and what words people would use to find this service. Keywords in conjunction with article marketing are only effective in promoting your business when they are specific to your product or service.

Where it is located is important if your business is a local business only. Many people have websites that are specific to the area in which they live. For example, some restaurants have a web site that features their business and when the people in that area are looking for a certain type of food, the keyword will play an important role. Whether it is French, Italian, Mexican or seafood, the searcher will find you if you use one of these keywords.

This is how your business gets noticed. The keywords help it to rank higher in the search engines where people see it when looking for this particular product or service. The keywords you choose need to trigger the search engines to put your business on the first page and preferably the highest spot on the page. Most people do not look past the first page of search results when they are searching for a product or service.

Article Marketing gets your Keywords in the Public Eye

Back links are an excellent way of targeting keywords that are specific to your website. When you use article marketing you can create back links that will get your business noticed. What is article marketing? Businesses write articles about their product or service in general. They are then distributed to the public through a variety of places that allow free publication of your articles. A link back to your website is added to the author resource box at the bottom of each article and you are basically getting free advertising.

Another benefit of article marketing the back link that is created when you put a resource box at the end of each article you publish. The resource box consists of contact information for your business and a statement of some type. This is free advertising and works wonders. Articles that are well written will add to your credibility in the market in which you are involved. If you are are unable to write this content yourself, there are many free-lance authors willing to write it for you. A number of on line businesses have sprung up that offer free lance writing services, and more are appearing all the time. The keywords you specify are used in the article as well as being hyper linked in the resource box. This type of link is referred to as "anchor text".

In addition to article marketing, another way of promoting your website using keywords is to write or have written a press release. Use your keywords in the press release, submit it to the services that distribute press releases and you have free advertising once again. This is called press release marketing and is not a new concept although it may be considered new to the web.

Video marketing is becoming the newest way of advertising your business. One of the main places to do this is You Tube. You Tube is Google-owned so it is definitely one of the places you would want your video. There are many people who make their own videos. It is not expensive to do and as long as you make sure and use the keyword phrases for your site and give the public information they can use, you will have a great tool for promoting your keywords once again to advertise for your site.

The proper use of keywords is the most effective tool for advertising your business as long as you remember that they must be as closely related to the content you are providing on your site as possible. Finding the most relevant keywords takes time and research since you need to determine what search terms (keywords)the majority of people will use when searching for your particular product or service.

Making certain that relevant keywords are then used throughout the content on your website will result in the search engines indexing your content, then displaying your site in the search results when someone searches for the products or services you provide. The end result is increased traffic to your site, as well as increased profits.

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