Friday 30 September 2011

Internet Marketers - Attitude Trumps Potential - Attitude 101 by John Maxwell

John Maxwell is a prolific expert when it comes to leadership. Attitude 101 is part of his 101 series dedicated to giving concise treatment of the subject. He uses clear text, broken down into bite size chapters that are easily digested by the reader.

Why? Many internet marketers skip over any portions of their training program that begins with 'touchy feeling' perceived nonsense about motivation and leadership. They just want to get down to the brass tacks of building their business. When you ignore this information and leave it out of your business plan, you are building your internet business foundation on shaky ground.

Maxwell understands this omission. Which is why he wisely begins his Attitude 101 with a core discussion about why attitude is so important and how attitude affects outcomes of individuals, particularly leaders every day. No matter how talented you may be, without proper attitude and attitude adjustments that require regular attention, you can never fully realize success.

Maxwell refers to an earlier tome, The Winning Attitude, to get his point across: Attitude 'is our best friend or worst enemy...It is a thing that draws people to us or repels them... It is the speaker of our present. It is the prophet of our future."

These basic premises have a place in everyday lives but should be in the forefront of the brains of entrepreneurs who work as internet marketers. We are often alone, sitting in front of our computers, trying to connect to others through technology. It is easy for negativity to take hold in that kind of environment.

If you need to work on your 'negativity demons,' there are things you can do. Recognizing that you are not working from the inner strength of a positive attitude is the place to start.

From there, Maxwell clarifies how attitude and potential go hand in hand. A negative attitude is a recipe for failure just as a positive attitude can make the difference between success and failure. For internet marketers, attitude will always trump potential. Talent alone will not build a sustaining business.

When Maxwell reviews common human failure, lost job promotion, firings, failed marriages and the like, the attitude factor always accounted for the lackluster result.

When we start to build our online business, learning every social media strategy will make no difference is our attitude is not upbeat and positive. Because building a successful internet business requires building human connections, we must exhibit the kind of smile that is welcoming through our online conversations.

We have to get this feeling across quickly, often in less than 5 seconds. The mouse click can be our worst enemy or our best friend depending on our projection.

While Attitude 101 is not solely for entrepreneurs and internet marketers, it has a definite place on desktops.

Attitude will always trump potential. For internet marketers, both are necessary for success.

You are what you believe. Your business will be what you believe it can become.

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