Friday 30 September 2011

Jeff Olson Slight Edge to Internet Marketing Plan

As you consider Internet Marketing as the vehicle to marketing yourself, or if you are already on your way, but colliding into roadblocks or being stalled by overwhelming obstacles, you're probably asking yourself what will it really take to be successful?

The book, The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson is not only a great tool to help you change your perception; but also to learn the little, seemingly insignificant actions to take to have monster mental results over time.

What if your success or lack thereof, was not a result of luck, timing, or even fate? And the degree of required tasks was not a matter of intelligence, skill or talent? Jeff shares that during his years in business working with several thousands of people, he observed how at one time or another they were all faced with the same opportunity - yet their outcomes differed greatly. Few became millionaires and many reached solid success with good incomes, while even more went absolutely nowhere. Throughout his career he was able to rise to the very top with many different companies with different product lines in different countries around the world. Clearly he's not bragging, but sharing that there was absolutely nothing brilliant about what he did. He did the exact same thing every time, using ridiculously simple strategies made up of ridiculously simple lists of ridiculously simple actions in every case.

So my first thought while reading his book was great, this book may tell me how and what perfect strategies to implement each time so I, too, can do it. I was hoping for a blueprint to follow to try out his solid step-by-step how-to information and reach the same consistent level of success that Jeff Olson accomplished.

But instead Olson further explains that the "how to" is not the key. According to Olson, he could show me exactly what he did to create four different, separate, independent, multimillion-dollar organizations - and teach me how to do the exact same thing. But chances are it wouldn't work for me. The reason is the "how to do it" is not the answer. If that was the answer we would all be rich, healthy, happy, and fulfilled. And most of us are none of these things. All the wonderful how-to books that are out there are not the key to your transformation. It's only information.

Olson goes on further to explain that the secret, once you know it, will cause you to find the real answers you need. Then as long as you apply them and live them, you will achieve the results you desire.

I found his secret to not to be a task to learn, a skill to master, a strategy to implement, or even an attitude to adopt, but a philosophy that germinates from a change in the way you think that leads you to the winning attitudes, positive actions, and ultimately new lifestyle.

The book points out profound yet simple wisdoms you can actually apply in everyday life. In Jeff Olson's acknowledgment he gives special thanks to Jim Rohn, whose teaching had a profound impact on the author and immediately gave me a liking to Jeff Olson as I also admire Jim Rohn. Jim Rohn was one of the very first "motivational speakers" I went to hear back when I first started Real Estate at the age of 18. Like most, I wish I would have taken more of what he said to heart, but do feel that things I heard in that live presentation stayed with me. My cassette tapes were completely worn out from all the hours I spent listening. Here's the great thing, I know if I could find copies of those same tapes, decades later, they would still make a positive impact on me today. In fact, I just might do that!

The Slight Edge is not just good information. It's not another self-help success book packed with some revolutionary "new way" of doing things. It's designed to help you take whatever information you have, whatever how-to's or strategies or goals or aspirations you may acquire, and turn them into the life you want.

Jeff Olson uses a sweet but sad story of a shoeshine woman that he met in an airport (whom he actually dedicates the book to) to open your mind to the possibility that the simplest of disciplines can result in putting you on a path of extraordinary success and fulfillment. He also repeats three simple timeless stories that effectively illustrate his point and helped keep me focused throughout the book. Olson has a great way of turning your view and helping you to better understand his prospective by using historical and simple life stories. This is complimented by you participating in written assignments during the read, plus the overall genuine feeling he exudes as he walks you down the path to mastering The Slight Edge. I now believe one can turn their dreams into reality by living with The Slight Edge.

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