Friday 30 September 2011

John Assaraf - The Answer - Could It Be the Answer To Your Internet Marketing Success? - A Review

"When you change the way you look at something, the thing you look at changes in response." Thought influences matter. That is the premise that forms the foundation of The Answer, by John Assaraf. The subtitle of The Answer is "Grow any business, achieve financial freedom, and live an extraordinary life." His proposition is that if we focus our thoughts on success, we will attract the resources that we will need to bring about that result. In other words, start "from the inside."

Nowhere is this more applicable than Internet Marketing. By the very nature of Internet Marketing, our success is crucially dependent upon our expectations of the outcome. If we don't have the confident belief that we will succeed, then we are most likely bound for failure. The reason is, that unlike most other business models, we tend operate in a capsule. Most internet marketers work by themselves, out of their home or small office, with no partners, no employees, and no board meetings. That means no feedback; no constructive criticism; and no "you're doing a great job, keep up the good work!"

Without a strong, positive expectation of success in our Internet Marketing efforts, the many obstacles and derailments along the way would inevitably discourage us, and we would lose our motivation to continue to forge ahead. If we can't learn how to "see ourselves" reaching the goals that we have set, we are less likely to achieve what we originally set out to do.

Another important principle of The Answer is "The Law of Attraction" - the creative process by which the energy released by our thoughts affects the circumstance and events of our lives. There are no accidents, every action has a cause, and everything is the result of something else.

Neuroscientists can literally track brain waves - they can watch us think. They can "see" the energy in our brain at work. The Law of Attraction says that the energy produced by our thoughts attracts similar, or like, energy. Positive thoughts cause positive actions, which cause positive results.

Through the process of "Neural Reconditioning," The Answer explains how we can create an environment for success by creating a positive vision of what we want to accomplish and employing various forms of neurotechnology - meditation, visualization, and affirmations - to reinforce those images. Those images will influence our actions, which ultimately will determine our outcome.

As a successful internet marketer, I recognize that just the dynamic and ever-changing technology of our industry can frustrate even the best of intentions. Because of our independent and self-reliant nature, we must be able to provide our own source of encouragement and up-lifting support. If we begin by focusing our thoughts on the outcome that we want, then following those thoughts with the proper actions, we, too, can "Grow [our] business, achieve financial freedom, and live an extraordinary life."

The Answer is a great book that helps tie together years of study involving success psychology, PMA (Positive Mental Attitude), psycho-cybernetics and neurotechnology into an understandable, irrefutable treatise. As James Allen stated decades ago in his famous little book, As A Man Thinketh: "The outer world of circumstance shapes itself to the inner world of thoughts...Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to change themselves; they therefore remain bound."

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